adherence adhesion adopted adoptive amend baleful baneful beyond the pale cache cachet condemn congenital contemn contemptible contemptuous delegate deprecate depreciate distinct distinctive emend energize enervate exceptionable exceptional expedient expeditious faze flounder founder free rein gambit gamut gibe |
gotten gybe historic historical hoard horde injustice jibe1 jibe2 jibe3 jive lend load loan lode majority masterful masterly militate mitigate no holds barred old older ordinance ordnance passed past peace peremptory phase piece plurality pore pour |
practicable practical preemptive rationale rationalization relegate repress restive restless shined shone sleight of hand slew1 slew2 slew3 slough1 slough2 slue suppress tenant tenet throe toe the line unexceptionable unexceptional unjust venal venial waive wangle wave wrangle |