adj. air·i·er, air·i·est 1. a. Open to or allowing in air; breezy or drafty: "the airy bungalows of the island's top officials" (Amitav Ghosh). b. Extensive in area or height; spacious: "An open floor plan made bright and airy by soaring ceilings" (Country Living). 2. High in the air; lofty: airy skyscrapers. 3. Performed in the air; aerial. 4. Resembling or evocative of air, especially: a. Having little or no substance; thin or immaterial: an airy apparition. b. Light or delicate: an airy dress. 5. Speculative, impractical, or vacuous: airy notions of human perfectibility. 6. Haughty or affected: dismissed us with an airy wave of the hand. 7. Chiefly Irish Light-hearted; merry. 8. Archaic Of, relating to, or having the constitution of air. airi·ly adv. airi·ness n. Synonyms: airy, filmy, gauzy, gossamer, sheer2 These adjectives mean so light and insubstantial as to resemble air or a thin film: airy curtains blowing at the window; the filmy wings of a moth; gauzy clouds in the sky; a gown of gossamer fabric; sheer silk stockings. |
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