Bi·ble  (b īb əl)
n.1. a. The sacred book of Christianity, a collection of ancient writings including the books of both the Old Testament and the New Testament. b. The Hebrew Scriptures, the sacred book of Judaism. c. A particular copy of a Bible: the old family Bible. d. A book or collection of writings constituting the sacred text of a religion. 2. often biblea. A book considered authoritative in its field: the bible of French cooking. b. A document containing in-depth details about a movie or television series that writers and production staff consult in order to avoid continuity errors.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Late Latin biblia, from Greek, pl. of biblion, book, diminutive of biblos, papyrus, book, from Bublos, Byblos.] BOOKS OF THE BIBLEBooks of the Hebrew Scriptures appear as listed in the translation by the Jewish Publication Society of America. Books of the Christian Bible appear as listed in the Jerusalem Bible, a 1966 translation of the 1956 French Roman Catholic version. The Old Testament books shown in italic are considered apocryphal in many Christian churches, but they are accepted as canonical in the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Armenian and the Ethiopian Oriental Orthodox Church. The Christian Old Testament parallels the Hebrew Scriptures with the exception of these books. HEBREW SCRIPTURES | CHRISTIAN BIBLE |
The Torah | Old Testament | New Testament |
Genesis | Genesis | Matthew | Exodus | Exodus | Mark | Leviticus | Leviticus | Luke | Numbers | Numbers | John | Deuteronomy | Deuteronomy | Acts of the Apostles | The Prophets | Joshua | Romans | Joshua | Judges | I Corinthians | Judges | Ruth | II Corinthians | I Samuel | I Samuel | Galatians | II Samuel | II Samuel | Ephesians | I Kings | I Kings | Philippians | II Kings | II Kings | Colossians | Isaiah | I Chronicles | I Thessalonians | Jeremiah | II Chronicles | II Thessalonians | Ezekiel | Ezra | I Timothy | Hosea | Nehemiah | II Timothy | Joel | Tobit | Titus | Amos | Judith | Philemon | Obadiah | Esther | Hebrews | Jonah | I Maccabees | James | Micah | II Maccabees | I Peter | Nahum | Job | II Peter | Habakkuk | Psalms | I John | Zephaniah | Proverbs | II John | Haggai | Ecclesiastes | III John | Zechariah | Song of Songs (Song of Solomon) | Jude | Malachi | Wisdom of Solomon | Revelation | The Writings | Ecclesiasticus | | Psalms | Isaiah | | Proverbs | Jeremiah | | Job | Lamentations | | Song of Songs | Baruch | | Ruth | Ezekiel | | Lamentations | Daniel | | Ecclesiastes | Hosea | | Esther | Joel | | Daniel | Amos | | Ezra | Obadiah | | Nehemiah | Jonah | | I Chronicles | Micah | | II Chronicles | Nahum | | | Habakkuk | | | Zephaniah | | | Haggai | | | Zechariah | | | Malachi | |
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