v. clashed, clash·ing, clash·es v.intr. 1. To collide with a loud, harsh, usually metallic noise: cymbals clashing. 2. a. To meet in violent conflict: armies that clashed on the plain. b. To be in opposition or disagreement: an eyewitness account that clashed with published reports. 3. To create an unpleasant visual impression when placed together: colors that clash. v.tr. To strike together with a loud, harsh, metallic noise. n. 1. A loud, harsh noise, such as that made by two metal objects in collision. 2. a. A violent conflict or confrontation. b. A disagreement or state of opposition: a clash of political ideologies. See Synonyms at conflict. 3. An incongruity or unpleasant juxtaposition of different colors or elements. [Imitative.] |
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