e·voke ( ĭ-v ōk )
tr.v. e·voked, e·vok·ing, e·vokes 1. To give rise to; draw forth; produce: words that evoked a smile; actions that evoked mistrust. 2. To call to mind, as by suggestion, association, or reference: songs that evoke old memories; a speech that evoked the words of Jefferson. 3. To create anew, especially by means of the imagination: a novel that accurately evokes the Depression. 4. To summon by magical or supernatural power; conjure.
evo·ca·ble (ĕvə-kə-bəl, ĭ-vōkə-) adj.
Synonyms: evoke, educe, elicit These verbs mean to draw forth or bring out something latent, hidden, or unexpressed: a smell that evoked childhood memories; words that educed powerful emotions in the listeners; tried to elicit the truth from the reluctant witness. |