n. 1. a. The sense of touch: lost feeling in a toe. b. A sensation experienced through this sense: enjoyed the feeling of rain on my face. c. A physical sensation other than one experienced though touch: a feeling of warmth. 2. a. An emotion, such as joy or sorrow: a feeling of loss. b. Strong mental agitation or excitement involving the emotions: eyes that showed deep feeling. c. An emotion of affection; a fondness: Does she have feelings for you? 3. a. The capacity to experience refined emotions; sensitivity; sensibility: a man of feeling. b. feelings Susceptibility to emotional response; sensibilities: The child's feelings are easily hurt. 4. An awareness or impression: He had the feeling that he was being followed. 5. An opinion based strongly on emotion; sentiment: voters' feelings on tax reform. See Synonyms at view. 6. a. A general impression conveyed by a person, place, or thing: This office has the feeling of a fortress. b. The emotions thought to be conveyed or intended by a work of art: the painting's feeling of anguish. 7. a. Appreciative regard or understanding: has no feeling for propriety. b. Intuitive awareness or aptitude; a feel: has a feeling for language. adj. 1. Easily moved emotionally; sympathetic: a feeling heart. 2. Expressive of sensibility or emotion: a feeling glance. feeling·ly adv. |
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