tr.v. fur·nished, fur·nish·ing, fur·nish·es 1. a. To provide (what is needed or desired): furnished the snacks for the party. b. To provide furniture for: furnish a room. c. To provide something necessary or desired to; equip: furnished the students with pens. 2. To have as an available or desirable feature: a courtyard that furnishes a fine view. [Middle English furnisshen, from Old French fournir, fourniss-, of Germanic origin; see per1 in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.] furnish·er n. Synonyms: furnish, equip, outfit, supply These verbs mean to provide with what is necessary for an activity or a purpose: furnished the team with new uniforms; equip a car with snow tires; had to outfit the children for summer camp; supplied the crew with hardhats. |
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