n. 1. Rapidity of action or motion: the haste with which she climbed the stairs. 2. Rash or headlong action; precipitateness: forgot the tickets in their haste to catch the train. intr. & tr.v. hast·ed, hast·ing, hastes Idiom: Archaic To hasten or cause to hasten. make haste To move or act swiftly; hurry. [Middle English, from Old French, of Germanic origin.] Synonyms: haste, celerity, dispatch, expedition, hurry, speed These nouns denote rapidity or promptness of movement or activity: left the room in haste; a train moving with great celerity; advanced with all possible dispatch; finished the project with remarkable expedition so as to meet the deadline; was in a hurry to get home; driving with excessive speed. Antonym: deliberation |
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