in·sub·or·di·nate  ( ĭn ′s ə-bôr dn- ĭt)
adj. Not submissive to authority: has a history of insubordinate behavior.
in′sub·ordi·nate n. in′sub·ordi·nate·ly adv. in′sub·or′di·nation n.
Synonyms: insubordinate, rebellious, mutinous, factious, seditious These adjectives mean engaged in or promoting the defiance of established authority. Insubordinate implies failure or refusal to submit to the authority of a superior: was fired for being insubordinate. Rebellious implies open defiance of authority or resistance to control: rebellious students demonstrating on campus. Mutinous pertains to revolt against constituted authority, especially that of a naval or military command: mutinous sailors defying the captain. Factious implies unruly dissension within a group or organization: "The army has been embroiled in a standoff battle against a [hornets'] nest of factious groups" (Time). Seditious applies mainly to the treasonous stirring up of resistance against a government: rebels distributing seditious pamphlets. |