lit·tle  (l ĭt l)
adj. lit·tler or less (l ĕs) also less·er (l ĕs ər), lit·tlest or least (l ēst) 1. a. Small in size: a little dining room. b. Small in quantity or extent: a little money; a little work on the side. See Synonyms at small. 2. Short in extent or duration; brief: There is little time left. 3. Unimportant; trivial: a little matter. 4. Narrow; petty: mean little comments; a little mind consumed with trivia. 5. Having scant power or influence; of minor status: just a little clerk in the records office. 6. a. Being at an early stage of growth; young: a little child. b. Younger or youngest. Used especially of a sibling: My little brother is leaving for college next week. adv. less or lesser, least 1. Not much; scarcely: works long hours, sleeping little. 2. Not in the least; not at all: They little expected such a generous gift. n.1. A small quantity or amount: Give me a little. 2. Something much less than all: I know little of their history. 3. A short distance or time: a little down the road; waited a little. Idioms: a little Somewhat; a bit: felt a little better. little by little By small degrees or increments; gradually.
[Middle English, from Old English lȳtel.]
little·ness n. |