adj. 2. Of, related to, or occurring during the life of one that is living: a live birth; the live weight of an animal before being slaughtered. 3. Of current interest or relevance: a live topic; still a live option. 4. Informal Full of life, excitement, or activity; lively: a live crowd at the parade; a live party. 5. Glowing; burning: live coals. 6. Not yet exploded but capable of being fired: live ammunition. 7. Electricity Carrying an electric current or energized with electricity: live cables lying dangerously on the ground. 8. Not mined or quarried; in the natural state: live ore. 9. a. Broadcast while actually being performed; not taped, filmed, or recorded: a live television program. b. Involving performers or spectators who are physically present: live entertainment; a live audience. 10. Of, relating to, or containing living bacteria or active viruses, sometimes in an attenuated form: live yogurt cultures; a live measles vaccine. 11. Printing Not yet set into type: live copy. 12. Sports In play: a live ball. adv. At, during, or from the time of actual occurrence or performance: The landing on the moon was telecast live. [Short for ALIVE.] liveness n. |
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