n.1. a. A thin, cushionlike mass of soft material used to fill, to give shape, or to protect against jarring, scraping, or other injury.
b. Sports A piece of equipment consisting of shaped cushioning material often attached to a hard outer surface and worn to protect against blows, collisions, or shots.
2. A flexible saddle without a frame.
3. An ink-soaked cushion used to ink a rubber stamp.
4. A number of sheets of paper of the same size stacked one on top of the other and glued together at one end; a tablet.
5. a. The broad floating leaf of an aquatic plant such as a water lily.
b. The flattened fleshy stem of a cactus such as a prickly pear. Also called paddle1.
6. a. The fleshy underside of the end of a finger or toe.
b. The cushionlike flesh on the underside of the toes and feet of many animals.
c. The foot of such an animal.
7. a. A launch pad.
b. A helipad.
8. a. A keypad.
b. A touchpad.
9. Slang One's living quarters, especially an apartment.
tr.v. pad·ded,
pads 1. To line or stuff with soft material.
2. To lengthen or increase, especially with extraneous or false information: pad a lecture with jokes; pad an expense account.