spar·ing  (spâr ĭng)
adj.1. Given to or marked by prudence and restraint in the use of material resources. 2. Deficient or limited in quantity, fullness, or extent: sparing amounts of criticism.
sparing·ly adv. sparing·ness n.
Synonyms: sparing, frugal, thrifty, economical These adjectives mean exercising or reflecting care in the use of resources, such as money. Sparing stresses restraint, as in expenditure: a quiet librarian who was sparing of words. Frugal implies self-denial and abstention from luxury: a frugal diet; a frugal monk. Thrifty suggests industry, care, and diligence in conserving means: grew up during the Depression and learned to be thrifty. Economical emphasizes prudence, skillful management, and the avoidance of waste: an economical shopper; an economical use of energy. |