ug·ly  ( ŭg l ē)
adj. ug·li·er, ug·li·est 1. Displeasing to the eye; unsightly. 2. a. Repulsive or offensive; objectionable: an ugly remark. b. Chiefly Southern US Rude: Don't be ugly with me. c. New England Unmanageable. Used of animals, especially cows or horses. 3. Morally reprehensible; bad. 4. Threatening or ominous: ugly black clouds. 5. a. Likely to cause embarrassment or trouble: "Public opinion in both nations could take an ugly turn" (George R. Packard). b. Marked by or inclined to anger or bad feelings; disagreeable: an ugly temper; an ugly scene. n. pl. ug·lies Informal One that is ugly.
[Middle English, frightful, repulsive, from Old Norse uggligr, from uggr, fear.]
ugli·ly adv. ugli·ness n.
Synonyms: ugly, grotesque, hideous, ill-favored, unsightly These adjectives mean offensive to the sense of sight: ugly furniture; a grotesque monster; a hideous scar; an ill-favored countenance; an unsightly billboard. |