n. pl. geese (g
1. a. Any of various wild or domesticated waterbirds of the family Anatidae, and especially of the genera Anser, Branta, and Chen, characteristically having a shorter neck than that of a swan and a shorter, more pointed bill than that of a duck.
b. The female of such a bird.
c. The flesh of such a bird used as food.
2. Informal A silly person.
3. pl. goos·es A tailor's pressing iron with a long curved handle.
4. Slang A poke, prod, or pinch between or on the buttocks.
tr.v. goosed,
goos·es Slang 1. To poke, prod, or pinch (a person) between or on the buttocks.
2. To move to action; spur: goosed the governor to sign the tax bill.
3. To give a spurt of fuel to (a car, for example); cause to accelerate quickly: "The pilot goosed his craft, powering away" (Nicholas Proffitt).