v. re·nounced, re·nounc·ing, re·nounc·es v.tr. 1. a. To give up (a title or possession, for example), especially by formal announcement. b. To decide or declare that one will no longer adhere to (a belief or position); reject. c. To decide or declare that one will no longer engage in (a practice) or use (something): renounce violence. See Synonyms at relinquish. 2. To disclaim one's association with (a person or country, for example). v.intr. To give up, relinquish, or reject something. [Middle English renouncen, from Old French renoncer, from Latin renūntiāre, to report : re-, re- + nūntiāre, to announce (from nūntius, messenger; see neu- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots).] re·nouncement n. re·nouncer n. |
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