at·tach  ( ə-t ăch )
v. at·tached, at·tach·ing, at·tach·es To fasten, secure, or join: attached the wires to the post. 2. To connect as an adjunct or associated condition or part: Many major issues are attached to this legislation. 3. To affix or append; add: attached several riders to the document. 4. To ascribe or assign: attached no significance to the threat. 5. To bind by emotional ties, as of affection or loyalty: I am attached to my family. 6. To assign (personnel) to a military unit on a temporary basis. 7. Law To seize (property) by legal writ. 8. To add (a file) to an email. v.intr.1. To adhere, belong, or relate: Very little prestige attaches to this position. 2. To be attached or attachable: The helmet's chin strap attaches on the side just below the ear.
[Middle English attachen, from Old French attachier, alteration of estachier, from estache, stake, of Germanic origin.]
at·tacha·ble adj. at·tacher n. |