but·ter (b ŭt ər)
n.1. A soft yellowish or whitish emulsion of butterfat, water, air, and sometimes salt, churned from milk or cream and processed for use in cooking and as a food. 2. Any of various substances similar to butter, especially: a. A spread made from fruit, nuts, or other foods: plum butter; cashew butter. b. A vegetable fat having a nearly solid consistency at ordinary temperatures. 3. Flattery. tr.v. but·tered, but·ter·ing, but·ters To put butter on or in. Phrasal Verb: butter up To praise or flatter excessively: You're always buttering up the boss.
[Middle English butere, from Old English, from Latin būtȳrum, from Greek boutūron : bous, cow; see gwou- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots + tūros, cheese; see teuə- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.] |