ges·ture  (j ĕs ch ər)
n.1. a. A motion of the limbs or body made to express or help express thought or to emphasize speech. b. The action of making such a motion or motions: communicated solely by gesture. 2. An act or a remark made as a formality or as a sign of intention or attitude: sent flowers as a gesture of sympathy. v. ges·tured, ges·tur·ing, ges·tures v.intr. To make gestures. To show, express, or direct by gestures: gestured her disapproval.
[Middle English, from Medieval Latin gestūra, bearing, from Latin gestus, past participle of gerere, to carry, carry on, act.]
gestur·al adj. gestur·al·ly adv. gestur·er n.
Synonyms: gesture, gesticulation, sign, signal These nouns denote an expressive, meaningful bodily motion: a gesture of approval; frantic gesticulations to get help; made a sign for silence; gave the signal to advance. |