v. learned also learnt (lûrnt), learn·ing, learns v.tr. 1. a. To gain knowledge of or skill in through study, instruction, or experience: learned how to sail; learned the new computer program; learn to speak Hindi. b. To become aware or informed of; find out: learned the truth about him; learned that it was best not to argue. See Synonyms at discover. 2. To fix in the mind or memory; memorize: learned the speech in a few hours. 3. Nonstandard To cause to acquire knowledge; teach. 4. Obsolete To give information to. v.intr. To gain knowledge, information, comprehension, or skill: learns quickly; learned about computers; learned of the job through friends. [Middle English lernen, from Old English leornian; see leis-1 in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.] learna·ble adj. learner n. |
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