mas·cu·line (m ăs ky ə-l ĭn)
adj. 1. Of or relating to men or boys; male. 2. Characterized by or possessing qualities traditionally attributed to men, such as aggressiveness. 3. Grammar Relating or belonging to the gender of words or forms that refer chiefly to males or to things grammatically classified as male. 4. Music Ending on an accented beat: a masculine cadence. n. 1. Grammar a. The masculine gender. b. A word or word form of the masculine gender. 2. Archaic A male person.
[Middle English masculin, from Old French, from Latin masculīnus, from masculus, male, diminutive of mās.]
mascu·line·ly adv. mascu·line·ness, mas′cu·lin·ity (-lĭnĭ-tē) n. |