n. 1. a. A brief record, especially one written down to aid the memory: took notes on the lecture. b. A comment or explanation, as on a passage in a text: The allusion is explained in the notes at the end of the chapter. 2. b. A formal written diplomatic or official communication. 3. a. A piece of paper currency. b. A debt security, usually with a maturity of ten years or less. c. A promissory note. 4. Music a. A tone of definite pitch. b. A symbol for such a tone, indicating pitch by its position on the staff and duration by its shape. c. A key of an instrument, such as a piano. 5. The characteristic vocal sound made by a songbird or other animal: the clear note of a cardinal. 6. The sign of a particular quality or emotion: a note of despair in his remarks; a note of gaiety in her manner. 7. A distinctive component of a complex flavor or aroma: a full-bodied wine with notes of cherry and musk. 8. Importance; consequence: Nothing of note happened. 9. Notice; observation: quietly took note of the scene. 10. Obsolete A song, melody, or tune. tr.v. not·ed, not·ing, notes 1. To observe carefully; notice: Note the difference between these two plants. See Synonyms at see1. 2. To make a note of; write down: noted the time of each arrival. 3. To show; indicate: a reporter careful to note sources of information. 4. To make mention of; remark: noted the lateness of his arrival. [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin nota, annotation; see gnō- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.] noter n. |
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