pa·pil·la (p ə-p ĭl ə)
n. pl. pa·pil·lae (-p ĭl ē) 1. A small nipplelike projection, such as a protuberance on the skin, at the root of a hair or feather, or at the base of a developing tooth. 2. One of the small, round or cone-shaped protuberances on the top of the tongue that contain taste buds. 3. A pimple or pustule. 4. Botany A minute projection on the surface of a stigma, petal, or leaf.
[Latin, nipple, diminutive of papula, swelling, pimple.]
papil·lar′y (păpə-lĕr′ē, pə-pĭlə-rē) adj. papil·late′ (păpə-lāt′, pə-pĭlĭt) adj. pap·il·lose (păpə-lōs′, pə-pĭlōs′) adj. |