per·co·late (pûr k ə-l āt ′)
v. per·co·lat·ed, per·co·lat·ing, per·co·lates To cause (liquid, for example) to pass through a porous substance or small holes; filter. 2. To pass or ooze through: Water percolated the sand. 3. To make (coffee) in a percolator. v.intr.1. To drain or seep through a porous material or filter. 2. Informal To become lively or active. 3. Informal To spread slowly or gradually. n. (-l ĭt, -l āt ′) A liquid that has been percolated.
[Latin percōlāre, percōlāt- : per-, per- + cōlāre, to filter (from cōlum, sieve).]
per′co·lation n. |