v. pro·posed, pro·pos·ing, pro·pos·es v.tr. 1. To put forward for consideration, discussion, or adoption; suggest: propose a change in the law. 2. To recommend (a person) for a position, office, or membership; nominate. 3. To offer (a toast to be drunk). 4. To make known as one's intention; purpose or intend: proposed to buy and run a farm. v.intr. To form or make a proposal, especially of marriage. [Middle English proposen, from Old French proposer, alteration (influenced by poser, to put, place) of Latin prōpōnere : prō-, forth; see PRO-1 + pōnere, to put; see apo- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.] pro·poser n. Synonyms: propose, pose1, propound, submit These verbs mean to present something for consideration or discussion: proposes a solution; posed many questions; propound a theory; submits a plan. |
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