v. pro·vid·ed, pro·vid·ing, pro·vides v.tr. 1. a. To make available (something needed or desired); furnish: provide food and shelter for a family. b. To supply something needed or desired to: provided her family with food. 2. To have as an available or desirable feature; afford: a room that provides ample sunlight through French windows. 3. To set down as a stipulation or requirement: an agreement that provides deadlines for completion of the work. 4. Archaic To make ready ahead of time; prepare. v.intr. 1. To take measures in preparation: provided for the common defense of the states in time of war. 2. To supply means of subsistence: She provides for her family by working in a hospital. 3. To make a stipulation or requirement: The Constitution provides for a bicameral legislature. [Middle English providen, from Latin prōvidēre, to provide for : prō-, forward; see PRO-1 + vidēre, to see; see weid- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.] |
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