adj. 1. Of or relating to technique: a technical procedure; great technical skill in playing the violin.
2. a. Having or demonstrating special skill or practical knowledge especially in a mechanical or scientific field: a technical adviser; technical expertise in digital photography.
b. Used in or peculiar to a specific field or profession; specialized: technical jargon.
c. Requiring advanced skills or specialized equipment: technical mountain climbing.
3. Of or relating to the practical, mechanical, or industrial arts or to the applied sciences: a technical institute.
4. a. Of or relating to technology or technological studies: a technical breakthrough in the manufacture of solar panels; a technical journal.
b. Of or involving electronic or mechanical equipment: a broadcast interrupted by technical difficulties.
c. Of or relating to information technology: called technical support when the computers broke down.
5. Of, relating to, or employing the methodology of science; scientific: technical data; a technical analysis.
6. a. In strict conformance to a law, regulation, or procedure: was held on a technical charge of vagrancy.
b. Strictly or narrowly defined: “It was a Federal victory only in the technical sense that the Army of the Potomac was left in possession of the field” (Edwin C. Fishel).
c. Based on analysis or principle; theoretical rather than practical: a technical advantage.
7. Relating to or based on market indicators, such as trading volume and fluctuations in securities prices, rather than underlying economic factors such as corporate earnings, inflation, and unemployment: a technical analysis of market conditions.
n. 1. Sports A technical foul.
2. A light vehicle such as a pickup truck that has been outfitted with a mounted machine gun or other weapon, especially for use by paramilitary units or irregulars.