i·amb  (ī ămb ′, ī ăm ′) also i·am·bus  (ī-ăm bəs)
n. pl. i·ambsalso i·am·bus·es , or i·am·bi (-bī ′) 1. A metrical foot consisting of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable, as in delay. 2. A metrical foot in quantitative verse composed of a short syllable followed by a long one.
[French iambe, from Latin iambus, from Greek iambos, iamb, iambic verse; akin to dīthurambos, dithyramb, ithumbos, song and dance for Dionysus, and thriambos, hymn to Dionysus, all possibly of pre-Greek substrate origin.] |