adj. 1. Of, relating to, or concerned with law: legal papers. 2. a. Established or recognized by law: a legal right. b. Authorized by law: the legal owner. c. Established legally other than by statute, as by a judicial opinion: a legal authority. 3. In conformity with or permitted by law: legal business operations. 4. Recognized or enforced by law rather than by equity. 5. In terms of or created by the law: a legal offense. 6. Applicable to or characteristic of attorneys or their profession. 7. Acceptable or allowable under official rules: a legal forward pass. n. 1. Slang a. A person who is legally authorized to live and work in a country. b. A person or department providing legal assistance. 2. A legal notice, especially an advertisement. [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin lēgālis, from lēx, lēg-, law; see leg- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.] legal·ly adv. |
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