ba·salt  (b ə-sôlt , b āsôlt ′)
n.1. A hard, dense, dark igneous rock composed chiefly of plagioclase feldspar, pyroxene, and olivine, and often having a glassy appearance. 2. A kind of hard unglazed pottery.
[From New Latin basaltēn, a misreading (in manuscripts of Pliny) of Latin basanītēn, accusative of basanītēs, a word Pliny uses of several kinds of rock, including a hard ironlike rock that the Egyptians obtained in Ethiopia, from Greek basanītēs (lithos), touchstone : basanos, touchstone (ultimately (perhaps via Lydian) from Egyptian bḫn, graywacke) + -ītēs, adjectival suffix.]
ba·saltic (-sôltĭk) adj.  (click for a larger image) basaltcolumnar basalt at Sheepeater Cliff, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming |