n. 1. A large piece of woven material used as a covering for warmth, especially on a bed. 2. A layer that covers or encloses: a thick blanket of snow. adj. 1. Applying to or covering all conditions or instances: a blanket insurance policy. 2. Applying to or covering all members of a class: blanket sanctions against human-rights violators. tr.v. blan·ket·ed, blan·ket·ing, blan·kets 1. To cover with or as if with a blanket: leaves that blanket the ground. 2. To cover so as to inhibit, suppress, or extinguish: blanketed the grease fire with sand. 3. To apply to generally and uniformly without exception: high telephone service charges that blanketed our region. [Middle English, from Old French, an unbleached soft cloth, from blanc, white, of Germanic origin; see bhel-1 in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.] (click for a larger image) blanketTlingit blanket made of mountain goat wool with a fringe of cedar bark |
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