browse (brouz)
v. browsed, brows·ing, brows·es v.intr.1. a. To inspect something leisurely and casually: browsed through the map collection for items of interest. b. To read something superficially by selecting passages at random: browsed through the report during lunch. 2. To look for information on the internet. 3. To feed on leaves, young shoots, and other vegetation; graze. To look through or over (something) casually: browsed the newspaper; browsing the gift shops for souvenirs. 2. To read (websites) casually on the internet. 3. a. To nibble; crop. b. To graze on. n.1. Young twigs, leaves, and shoots that are fit for animals to eat. 2. An act of browsing.
[Probably from obsolete French broust, young shoot, from Old French brost, of Germanic origin.]
browsa·ble (-zə-bəl) adj. |