n. 1. An upright, cupboardlike repository with shelves, drawers, or compartments for the safekeeping or display of objects. 2. Computers The box that houses the main components of a computer, such as the central processing unit, disk drives, and expansion slots. 3. often Cabinet A body of persons appointed by a head of state or a prime minister to head the executive departments of the government and to act as official advisers. 4. Archaic A small or private room set aside for a specific activity. adj. 1. Suitable for storage or display in a cabinet, as because of size or decorative quality. 2. Of, relating to, or being a member of a governmental cabinet: cabinet matters; a cabinet minister. 3. Used in the making of cabinets: teak and other heavy cabinet wood. [French, partly from diminutive of Old North French cabine, gambling-room (perhaps alteration of Old French cabane, small house; see CABIN) and partly from Italian gabinetto, closet, chest of drawers; akin to Old North French cabine. N., sense 5, possibly from the square wooden container in which the mixer was encased.] cabi·net·ful n. |
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