can·dy  (k ăn d ē)
n. pl. can·dies 1. a. A rich sweet confection made with sugar and often flavored or combined with fruits or nuts. b. A piece of such a confection. 2. Slang An illicit drug, especially one, such as cocaine, that has a sugary appearance or a drug in pill form, such as MDMA. tr.v. can·died, can·dy·ing, can·dies To cook, preserve, saturate, or coat with sugar or syrup: candy apples; candy ginger.
[Middle English candi, crystallized cane sugar, short for sugre-candi, partial translation of Old French sucre candi, ultimately from Arabic sukkar qandī : sukkar, sugar + qandī, consisting of sugar lumps (from qand, lump of crystallized sugar, from an Indic source akin to Pali kaṇḍa-, from Sanskrit khaṇḍakaḥ, from khaṇḍaḥ, piece, fragment, perhaps of Munda origin).] |