cas·so·war·y  (k ăs ə-w ĕr ′ē)
n. pl. cas·so·war·ies Any of several large flightless birds of the genus Casuarius of Australia, New Guinea, and adjacent areas, having a large bony projection on the top of the head and brightly colored wattles.
[Malay kasuari, from eastern Indonesian dialectal Malay, from a source in one of the Malayo-Polynesian languages of the Moluccas and New Guinea; akin to Nuaulu (Malayo-Polynesian language of Seram) asuwan and Haruku (Malayo-Polynesian language of Haruku island, east of Ambon) and Onin (Malayo-Polynesian language of western New Guinea, on which a local pidgin is based) kasawari, all perhaps from an unknown Papuan substrate source.]  (click for a larger image) cassowarynorthern cassowary Casuarius unappendiculatus |