n. 1. A cabinet or enclosed recess for linens, household supplies, or clothing. 2. A small private chamber, as for study or prayer. 3. A water closet; a toilet. 4. A state of secrecy or cautious privacy: Two days before the election, the candidate suddenly came out of the closet and denounced the proposed law. tr.v. clos·et·ed, clos·et·ing, clos·ets To enclose or shut up in a private room, as for discussion: closeted themselves with their attorneys. adj. 1. Private; confidential: closet information. 2. Being so or engaging only in private; secret: a closet proponent of a tax increase; a closet alcoholic. 3. Based on theory and speculation rather than practice. [Middle English, private room, from Old French, diminutive of clos, enclosure, from Latin clausum, from neuter of clausus, enclosed; see CLOSE.] closet·ful′ n. |
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