cur·mudg·eon  (k ər-m ŭj ən)
n. An ill-tempered person, especially one who is habitually stubborn or grouchy.
[Possibly Scots cur-, intensive prefix (perhaps partly from Scottish Gaelic car, rather, somewhat (from car, a twist, a turn) and partly from Scottish Gaelic corr-, intensive prefix (from corr, protruding point, from Old Irish corr, snout)) + Scottish Gaelic mùigean, churl, gloomy fellow (from diminutive of mùig, gloom, gloomy appearance, snivelling nose, snot, from Old Irish muich, múich, gloom; akin to Old Irish múchaid, he smothers with smoke, and Welsh mwg, smoke).]
cur·mudgeon·ly adj. cur·mudgeon·ry n. |