v. em·broi·dered, em·broi·der·ing, em·broi·ders v.tr. 1. To ornament with needlework: embroider a pillow cover. 2. To make by means of needlework: embroider a design on a bedspread. 3. To add embellishments or fanciful details to: embroider the truth. v.intr. 1. To make needlework. 2. To add embellishments or fanciful details. [Middle English embrouderen, partly from embrouden (from brouden, broiden, braided, embroidered, from Old English brogden, past participle of bregdan, to weave; see BRAID) and partly from Old French embroder (en-, intensive pref.; see EN-1 + broder, brosder, to embroider, of Germanic origin).] em·broider·er n. |
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