e·ti·ol·o·gy also ae·ti·ol·o·gy (ē′tē-ŏlə-jē)
Tweet n. pl. e·ti·ol·o·gies also ae·ti·ol·o·gies 1. a. The study of causes or origins. b. The branch of medicine that deals with the causes or origins of disease. 2. a. Assignment of a cause, an origin, or a reason for something. b. The cause or origin of a disease or disorder as determined by medical diagnosis. [Late Latin aetiologia, from Greek aitiologiā : aitiā, cause + -logiā, -logy.] e′ti·o·logic (-ə-lŏjĭk), e′ti·o·logi·cal adj. e′ti·o·logi·cal·ly adv. e′ti·olo·gist n. |
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