adj. 1. Relating to, existing on, or connected with the outside or an outer part; exterior. 2. Suitable for application to the outside: external paints. 3. Existing independently of the mind. 4. Acting or coming from the outside: external pressures. 5. Of or relating chiefly to outward appearance; superficial: "An internal sense of righteousness dwindles into an external concern for reputation" (A.R. Gurney, Jr.) 6. Of or relating to foreign affairs or foreign countries: the country's minister of external affairs. n. 1. An exterior part or surface. 2. externals a. Outer circumstances. b. Outward appearances: was charming as far as the externals went. [Middle English, from Latin externus, outward, from exter; see eghs in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.] ex·ternal·ly adv. |
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