flick 1  (fl ĭk)
n.1. a. A light quick blow, jerk, or touch: a flick of the wrist; gave my horse a flick with the reins. b. The sound accompanying this motion. 2. A light splash, dash, or daub. v. flicked, flick·ing, flicks v.tr.1. To touch or hit with a light quick blow or fillip: flicked him with his hand. 2. To cause to move with a sudden movement or jerk: The guard flicked the light switch. The bird flicked its tail. 3. To propel or remove with a sudden movement, fillip, or light blow: flicked the lint off the coat. v.intr.1. To move in sudden or jerky manner: a horse's mane flicking in the wind. 2. To look through the parts of something by making quick movements with the fingers: flick through a book; flick through a crate of old records.
flicka·ble adj. |