v. Past participle of go1. adj. 1. a. Being away from a place; absent or having departed. b. Missing or lost: My watch is gone. 2. a. No longer in existence; not part of the present: "The biggest catastrophe was the lack of wildlife. The great herds were gone" (Tom Clynes). b. No longer available; used up: All the rice is gone. c. No longer alive; dead. d. Past; bygone: an era long gone. 3. Advanced, as in illness or deterioration: "My poor father was far gone in a decline that took him off" (Robert Louis Stevenson). 4. Ruined; lost: a gone cause. 5. Carried away; absorbed: far gone in speculation. 6. Slang Infatuated: gone on his sweetheart. 7. Slang Pregnant: is five months gone. |
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