hoof (hf, hf)
Tweet n.pl. hooves(hvz, hvz) or hoofs 1. a. The horny sheath covering the toes or lower part of the foot of a mammal of the orders Perissodactyla and Artiodactyla, such as a horse, ox, or deer. b. The foot of such an animal, especially a horse. 2. Slang The human foot. v.hoofed, hoof·ing, hoofs v.tr. To trample with the hooves. v.intr. Idioms: Slang 1. To dance, especially as a professional. 2. To go on foot; walk. hoof itSlang 1. To walk. 2. To dance. on the hoof Not yet butchered; alive. Used especially of cattle. [Middle Englishhof, fromOld Englishhōf.] (click for a larger image) hoofhorse hoof |
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