in·lay ( ĭn l ā′, ĭn-l ā)
tr.v. in·laid (-l ād ′), in·lay·ing, in·lays 1. a. To set (pieces of wood or ivory, for example) into a surface, usually at the same level, to form a design. b. To decorate by setting in such designs. 2. To insert (a photograph, for example) within a mat in a book. n.1. a. Contrasting material set into a surface in pieces to form a design. b. A design, pattern, or decoration made by inlaying. 2. Dentistry A solid filling, as of gold or porcelain, fitted to a cavity in a tooth and cemented into place.
in·layer n. (click for a larger image) inlaydetail of colored and semiprecious stones inlaid in white marble at the Taj Mahal mausoleum Agra, India |