in·su·lar  ( ĭn s ə-l ər, ĭns y ə-)
adj.1. a. Of, relating to, or constituting an island. b. Living or located on an island. 2. a. Suggestive of the isolated life of an island: "He is an exceedingly insular man, so deeply private as to seem inaccessible to the scrutiny of a novelist" (Leonard Michaels). b. Circumscribed and detached in outlook and experience; narrow or provincial. 3. Anatomy Of or relating to isolated tissue or an island of tissue.
[French insulaire, from Late Latin īnsulāris, from Latin īnsula, island.]
insu·lar·ism, in′su·lari·ty (-lărĭ-tē) n. insu·lar·ly adv. |