jol·ly  (j ŏl ē)
adj. jol·li·er, jol·li·est 1. Full of good humor and high spirits. 2. Exhibiting or occasioning happiness or mirth; cheerful: a jolly tune. 3. Greatly pleasing; enjoyable: had a jolly time. adv. Chiefly British To a great extent or degree; extremely. v. jol·lied, jol·ly·ing, jol·lies To keep amused or diverted for one's own purposes; humor. v.intr. To amuse oneself with humorous banter. n. pl. jol·lies 1. Chiefly British A good or festive time. 2. jollies Slang Amusement; kicks: However you get your jollies is fine with me.
[Middle English joli, from Old French, perhaps of Scandinavian origin.]
jolli·ly adv. jolli·ness n. |