man·i·fold  (m ăn ə-f ōld ′)
adj.1. Many and varied; of many kinds; multiple: our manifold failings. 2. Having many features or forms: manifold intelligence. 3. Being such for a variety of reasons: a manifold traitor. 4. Consisting of or operating several devices of one kind at the same time. n.1. A whole composed of diverse elements. 2. One of several copies. 3. A pipe or chamber having multiple apertures for making connections. 4. Mathematics A topological space in which each point has a neighborhood that is equivalent to a neighborhood in Euclidean space. The surface of a sphere is a two-dimensional manifold because the neighborhood of each point is equivalent to a part of the plane. tr.v. man·i·fold·ed, man·i·fold·ing, man·i·folds 1. To make several copies of, as with carbon paper. 2. To make manifold; multiply.
[Middle English, from Old English manigfeald : manig, many; see MANY + -feald, -fald, -fold.]
mani·fold′ly adv. mani·fold′ness n. |