me·die·val also me·diae·val  (m ĭ-d ēv əl; m ĕd ′ē- ēv əl, m ē′d ē-)
adj. 1. also Medieval a. Relating or belonging to the Middle Ages. b. Of or relating to a historical period roughly coinciding with the European Middle Ages and characterized by feudal or aristocratic social structures, as in Japan or China. 2. a. Suggestive of the Middle Ages, as in being hierarchical or cruel. b. Informal Old-fashioned; unenlightened: parents with a medieval attitude toward dating.
[From New Latin medium aevum, the middle age : Latin , neuter of medius, middle; see medhyo- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots + Latin aevum, age; see aiw- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.]
me′dieval·ly adv. |