adj.1. Having no clothing on the body; nude.
2. Having no covering, especially the usual one: a naked sword.
3. Devoid of vegetation, trees, or foliage: the naked ground; naked tree limbs.
4. Being without addition, concealment, disguise, or embellishment: the naked facts; naked ambition.
5. Devoid of a specified quality, characteristic, or element: a look that was naked of all pretense.
6. Exposed to harm; vulnerable: "naked to mine enemies" (Shakespeare).
7. Botany a. Not enclosed in an ovary: naked seeds.
b. Unprotected by scales: naked buds.
c. Lacking a perianth: naked flowers.
d. Without leaves or pubescence: naked stalks.
8. Zoology Lacking outer covering such as scales, fur, feathers, or a shell.