pa·py·rus (p ə-p īr əs)
n. pl. pa·py·rus·es or pa·py·ri (-r ī′) 1. An aquatic sedge (Cyperus papyrus) native to Africa, having a tall stem and an umbellate inflorescence with numerous arching rays. 2. a. A material made from the pith or the stems of this sedge, used by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans especially to write or paint on. b. A document written on this material.
[Middle English papirus, from Latin papȳrus, from Greek papūros.] (click for a larger image) papyrustop: papyrus plant Cyperus papyrus bottom: c. 1400-1200 bc papyrus fragment from the Egyptian Book of the Dead (click for a larger image) papyrus |